Suzanne Collins says,
" Aim higher in case you fall short." In that case, we should all make Summer Goals to stay active, accomplish more, and feel good about your self. These are some of my goals:
Summer Goals
1. Stay active for at least 60 minutes a day
How I can accomplish that: In order to accomplish this goal, I will set a personal reminder on my phone that goes off in the morning to remind me to go outside and run around.
2. Take a lot of healthy vitamins
How I can accomplish that: One simple way I can take a lot of healthy vitamins is when I make my breakfast, I will put the vitamins on the side of my plate so I cannot forget.
3. Keep my room very organized
How I can accomplish that: Every morning before I leave the house, I will check my room. If it is not clean, I will go back and make sure everything is off of the ground, clothes are put away neatly, and my bed is made.
4. Have a stronger body
How I can accomplish that: I want a stronger body internally and externally. I can make my body stronger internally by eating healthy, eating healthy cleansing foods, and eating a lot of super foods. I can make my body stronger externally by not sitting on the couch like a couch potato. Instead, I will lift weights while enjoying a T.V show. Also, I want to attend Strength and Conditioning classes to stay healthy and have a strong body.
5. Be nice to my siblings
How I can accomplish that: I know I get mad at my siblings a lot. However, I only get in trouble when I do not think about my actions.When I don't think, I do something mean or crazy. However, I am going to really try and and think before I act.